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Good news!
We deliver
Your milkman will arrive on Monday & Thursday mornings.

From Dairy to Doorstep
We’re proud to deliver some of the freshest produce in the country.

Tweak Order Anytime
Adjust your order so every delivery is perfect and just what you need.

Free Delivery
All prices include doorstep delivery from your local community depot.
Good news!
We deliver
Your milkman will arrive on Tuesday & Friday mornings.

From Dairy to Doorstep
We’re proud to deliver some of the freshest produce in the country.

Tweak Order Anytime
Adjust your order so every delivery is perfect and just what you need.

Free Delivery
All prices include doorstep delivery from your local community depot.
Nice milk
The milk tastes good. I had
Problem with the delivery. its delivered very early in the morning were all asleep at that time, the milk was left on the front door easily could be stolen. I called customer service and requested that the milk is left on the side door behind the shed so itβs not visible to people going past.
The last delivery was made as i had requested thank you.
Live it.