Free delivery on all orders! No minimum order, get what you need! Cancel anytime, no commitment!

As we become more aware of our impact on the environment, doing what we can to reduce, reuse and recycle has become increasingly important.

At McQueens Dairies, we are committed to doing our part to reduce waste and promote sustainability. One of the ways we do this is by reusing our glass milk bottles up to 25 times! Not only does this help reduce waste, but it also ensures that our customers lower their own carbon footprint as it cuts down on the number of milk bottles being created to service every delivery.

The McQueens milk bottle journey

The Lifecycle of a McQueens Milk Bottle

Our milk delivery team brings fresh milk straight to your doorstep, allowing you to enjoy the convenience of home delivery without the added waste of single-use plastic packaging. Once you finish your milk, simply rinse out the bottles and leave them on your doorstep for our milk delivery team to collect.

Our drivers then collect the bottles and replace them with new bottles filled with fresh milk. The old bottles are then washed at 70-80 degrees with a chemical cleaner and cold rinsed to ensure that they are thoroughly cleaned and sanitised.

Once the bottles are clean, they are each refilled with the freshest quality milk in just 3.33 seconds, ready to go out again!

Why is this important?

Well, plastic takes more than 400 years to degrade, and if the present trend continues, it is predicted that by 2050 there will be 12 billion metric tons of plastic in landfills. That’s 35,000 times as heavy as the Empire State Building! Plastic packaging has contributed overwhelmingly to plastic pollution, which currently accounts for 79% of landfill globally.

By choosing McQueens Dairies for your doorstep milk delivery, you are helping to reduce waste and promote sustainability. Our reusable glass milk bottles are just one of the ways we are committed to doing our part to protect the planet. So, the next time you finish your milk, remember to rinse out the bottle and leave it on your doorstep for our milk delivery team to collect.

Did you know the NMRU Nursery Milk Scheme entitles all children under 5 who attend approved daycare facilities to receive 1/3 pint (189ml) of free milk every day? This includes childminders, nurseries, and crèches!

What is the nursery milk scheme?

The Nursery Milk Scheme is operated by the Nursery Milk Reimbursement Unit (NMRU)  on behalf of the Department of Health. It entitles children under 5 attending a nursery or in the care of a registered childminder to receive β…“ pint of milk daily. Today, 55,000 childcare providers across Britain take part in the scheme, with milk reaching and benefitting around 1.5 million children every day, free of charge.

The scheme has been running since the 1940s, greatly benefiting many millions of children across multiple generations during that time.

Young child drinking a glass of milk and benefiting from the Nursery Milk Scheme

What are the benefits of the nursery milk scheme?

At McQueens Dairies, we believe it is vital for children to get the best start in life, which improving nutrition is an important factor. Calcium, Vitamin D, and other minerals are best absorbed from milk in the early stages of a child’s development. Vitamin D is essential for the formation of strong and healthy bones in children.

Who is eligible to register for free milk?

  1. A registered childminder
  2. A registered daycare provider
  3. A local authority that provides daycare
  4. Those providing daycare to children under 5 years in schools
  5. Those providing daycare in a nursery or creche for children (under 5 years) of management and staff of certain establishments (e.g. children’s homes, voluntary or community homes, NHS hospitals) which are exempt from registration should contact the NMRU to confirm their eligibility before registering with the scheme.

How do I claim free nursery milk for my child or children in my care?

There are just 3 easy steps to apply for free milk. We can deliver up to 5 days per week depending on location and order. Once the below steps are complete, your milk will be delivered to the doorstep before 7 am, completely free of charge by your local milkman.

NB: You must register with both the NMRU and McQueens Dairies prior to making a claim.

  1. Enter your details here or call us on 0141 471 3591.
  2. Log on to the Government’s NMRU website and register there selecting McQueens Dairies as your agent.
  3. Once we have the application form and confirmation from the NMRU that you have registered for the scheme, we will be in contact with you to set up your deliveries.

As easy as that!

The Pasteurised Difference

Pasteurised milk is a familiar term As a family dairy, our job has long been to not only deliver but to educate our customers on the different types of milk available – spotlighting the difference between the cartons and bottles on supermarket shelves. So let’s dig into what pasteurised milk actually is.

Pasteurised milk is one such phrase which is often banded around by supermarkets and stores. With very little information provided as to what it means and how pasteurising affects the milk. In this blog we will be inviting you into the world of milk which has been pasteurised, sharing the benefits of pasteurised milk, the process, and the differences between pasteurised and pasteurised milk.

What is pasteurised milk?

Pasteurised milk is milk which has gone through a process of heating, to eliminate any existing pathogens and give the product a longer shelf life. The process of heating and then cooling the milk back down is designed to kill any bacteria which could be harmful to the end user, with some examples being salmonella and e-coli which can make people sick.

There are two different types of milk typically available on the market – HTST and UHT. HTST is High Temperature Short Time pasteurised milk, also known as regular pasteurised milk. UHT is Ultra High Temperature, also known as ultra-pasteurised milk. You will most likely define the difference between these in their labelling and their shelf life.

Pasteurised Milk

What is the pasteurisation process?

It is important to understand that the heating element of the standard pasteurization process uses a low heat. Milk is a low-acidic food product, so the pasteurisation is designed to destroy pathogens. Usually with refrigeration key to ensure that any organisms are not subsequently allowed to develop.

The two different types of pasteurized milk boast slightly different processes and varying results in terms of their shelf life.

HTST, High Temperature Short Time milk is heated to 71 degrees Celsius for 15 seconds. It is then rapidly cooled back down again to a refrigerated temperature.

UHT, Ultra High Temperature pasteurized milk is heated to 137 degrees Celsius for 2 seconds and then rapidly cooled back down to a refrigerated temperature.

In both instances, the milk that results from the process is free from 99.9% of bacteria. Though the UHT process kills not only the usual pathogens but also the non-pathogenic bacteria which can cause spoilage in the product as well; something which HTST standard pasteurized milk does not do. What this means is that UHT milk is left with a shelf life that is up to three times longer than standard HTST milk.

Pasteurisation is then followed by homogenisation in many cases. This is when you break down the fat molecules in milk to resist separation. It does this to prevent milk from separating and taking on a creamy consistency on the top. For fans of raw milk, the layer of cream on top of a bottle of milk is there because the milk is not homogenised.

Pasteurised milk

Is pasteurised milk better?

In the USA, there are only 12 states which allow unpasteurized milk, due to the health implications associated with drinking it. This is because, when pasteurised milk was adopted, it quickly became clear how much the pasteurisation process saved lives. It also prevented the spread of unnecessary diseases – and so it was concluded that milk which was pasteurised was safer.

Non-pasteurised or β€˜raw’ milk is sold in the UK, though this is only allowed through direct to consumer methods set up by farms themselves or farmers market and local events. This kind of milk cannot be sold through high street stories or supermarkets. Milk which has not been through the heating process of pasteurisation must, by law, state this on the packaging. The producers must conform to higher hygiene standards than those producing pasteurised milk.

While raw milk is said to contain a series of enzymes which can help the body fight off infection. It can also help to fight illness more naturally, and can promote a healthy gut. Not least the added safety factor which comes from heating the milk and killing off all those harmful bacteria.

The process of heating is said to increase concentrations of vitamin A in the milk. With milk already being an important source of vitamin A for the body, this is a definite positive that supports the consumption of pasteurised milk. It is also a better value purchase for consumers due to the longer shelf life.

The Takeaway

Almost every milk bottle you will find in the supermarket has gone through some level of pasteurisation. It is also likely that it has been followed by homogenization for added textural and taste benefits. This is because, pasteurised milk presents safety that customers are looking for when feeding their families. If raw milk is something you are looking for,, you will need to source this directly from a dairy farm.

Pasteurised Milk

Join thousands of happy McQueens Dairies customers and enjoy fresh daily milk delivered straight to your doorstep before 7am with our local milkmen.  Add on alternative milk, yoghurt, juice or just choose a milk and eggs delivery. Place your order in our online shop.

We all need protein in our diets – small children and bodybuilders alike. It is an essential nutrient that supports the most vital parts of our bodies There are many great sources of protein out there, but which is the best for you? Protein helps to build tissue, cells, and muscle, as well as helping to regulate hormones and assists our immune systems.

Fortunately, protein isn’t too hard to come by no matter what your diet is. Dairy and meat tend to be the highest in protein content by weight, but there are plenty of great alternative options out there if you choose to avoid those things too.

McQueens Dairies Free Range Eggs – 6 grams of protein in one large egg.

Eggs are a super easy and often fairly cheap way of adding protein to your diet. They are very versatile too. With so many ways to cook them, you’re bound to find a version that suits everyone. They can be included in any meal of the day, making them a great choice for anyone looking for a quick way to boost their intake.

McQueens Dairies Eggs

McQueens Dairies Milk – 8 grams of protein in 250ml of whole milk.

Milk has a super high nutrient content that extends far beyond protein. It is also calcium-rich, helping to build strong bones and muscles all at once. Milk is particularly beneficial for growing children, and fortunately can be flavoured easily with minimal effects on its overall goodness.

There are plenty of alternative varieties of milk, if cow’s milk is not for you, that still pack high levels of protein into one glass or bowl of cereal, particularly oat and soy.

Cottage Cheese – Approximately 10 grams per 100 grams.

Cottage cheese is a tasty alternative to standard hard cheese and still offers the same protein benefits. It is particularly high in Casein, a slow-digesting kind of protein that will keep you fuller for longer.

Sources of protein

Swiss Cheese – 8 grams per 28 grams.

By weight, Swiss Cheese actually offers more protein than other types of hard cheese, including cheddar. While some people might be concerned about the high-fat content, rest assured that even the lower-fat versions of this cheese still have a great weight to protein ratios.

Greek Yoghurt – Approximately 2.5g per 25grams.

All yoghurts are a great source of protein and an easy way to add both protein and calcium to your (and your children’s) diet. Greek yoghurt in particular has about twice as much protein as the rest. Yoghurt is also great for your gut health and is super versatile as both breakfast and a snack.

Here at McQueens Dairies, we offer 2 types of Greek style yoghurt from Yeo Valley. Both are packed with protein to help get you started for the day.

Sources of protein

Mixed Nuts – 6 grams per 50 grams.

While the protein might vary slightly depending on which nuts you choose, overall, nuts pack a great amount of protein into a small amount of food. This makes them great for snacking and adding to your meals and will keep you fuller for longer. Nuts a great sources of protein for on the go.

Chicken Breast – 24 grams per 85 grams.

Chicken is a staple in any protein seekers diet. It is versatile and offers more protein per weight than most other foods. Bodybuilders swear by chicken breasts for their low-fat content too.

Sources of protein

Tuna – 22 grams per 85 grams.

You don’t have to be a meat-eater to have a good intake of protein. Tuna offers almost as much protein as a chicken breast gram for gram. It is easy to stock up on cans of tuna and keep them in your cupboards for a long time, so you never have to search too far for a boost.

Peanut Butter – 8 grams per 2 Tablespoons.

Who said protein had to be savoury? Peanut butter offers more protein than any other nut butter and is the perfect quick fix spread on a slice of toast or in an easy sandwich.

Sources of protein

Green Peas – Approximately 4 grams per 70 grams.

Peas are a great, family-friendly vegetable that will get protein into your dinners no matter what kind of diet you follow. Add one portion of frozen peas to a meal and you’ve got a great boost with minimal effort.

The Takeaway

There are many great sources of protein that will help to maintain the health of your body, and many ways to consume it. These high in protein foods make it easy to fit into your every day diet . Eating protein is good for many things and the benefits are great for improving your overall health.

Milk Delivery

Join thousands of happy McQueens Dairies customers and enjoy fresh daily milk delivered straight to your doorstep before 7am with our local milkmen.  Add on alternative milk, yoghurt, juice or just choose a milk and eggs delivery. Place your order in our online shop.

Coconut milk is a good cow’s milk alternative and has become very popular off late. It is not only tasty but offers a boatload of health benefits to human bodies. It is extracted from the white flesh of a brown coconut. As a result, coconut milk has a creamy and rich texture. But coconut milk is not coconut water, though. Coconut water is naturally found inside mature coconuts, but milk will be made out of the flesh of the coconut.

Nutritional Highlights

It is a good source of Vitamin C, E, B6, B5, B3, B1, and minerals, such as magnesium, calcium, sodium, selenium, and prosperous.

  • In a 100ml serving of coconut milk, you will receive:
  • 169 calories
  • 1.1g protein
  • 3.3g carbohydrate
  • 14.6g saturated fat
  • And 16.9g fat

The good thing about coconut milk is that you can find it in any department store. Just ask for coconut milk, and you will be directed towards the shelf. Now, let’ find out some of the health benefits of drinking it.

It can help in weight loss

One amazing element found in coconut is triglycerides, which are known as healthy fats. After drinking milk you will feel fuller, which means it will reduce your craving for food. Moreover, it gets converted to energy faster in comparison to a long chain of fatty acids.

It prevents heart diseases

Heart diseases are one of the leading causes of death. If one consumes it in low quantity, it can even aid in lowering LDL cholesterol, which is considered bad cholesterol. In addition, coconut milk helps in increasing HDL cholesterol, which has inflammatory properties. HDL cholesterol helps in protecting the blood vessel lining or endothelium.

Coconut Milk

It contains antioxidants

Our body is programmed to form free oxygen radicals. However, one needs to understand that they can harm the cellular components and contribute direly to tumor growth and aging. It contains essential nutrients, such as Vitamin C and E, and they have antioxidant properties. Therefore, drinking a moderate amount of it can help in balancing free oxygens radicals. 

It is good for your immune system

Another benefit of drinking milk is that it can help in strengthening your immune system. It contains lauric acid. Lauric acid has antiseptic properties and can help in fighting against fungi, viruses, and bacteria. One report showed that children with pneumonia responded positively to drinking milk because it helped them to heal faster and respond to treatment better than those who didn’t take coconut milk and took only antibiotics.

It has anti-inflammatory properties

Those who drink it have seen positive results regarding their inflammation and joint pain issues. It can show remarkable results in people with autoimmune inflammatory conditions, for example, lupus arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Wrapping Up

Now that you know about the various health benefits of coconut milk make sure to have it in moderation. The recommended amount is 1-2 times per week. Drinking it moderation will do wonders for your health.

Coconut Milk

Join thousands of happy McQueens Dairies customers and enjoy fresh daily milk delivered straight to your doorstep before 7am with our local milkmen.  Add on alternative milk, yoghurt, juice or just choose a milk and eggs delivery. Place your order in our online shop.

Whether you’re short on time, lacking in clean and available utensils, or simply looking for a quick and easy lunch fix, microwaving eggs is not only simple but delivers great results – provided you know what you’re doing.

In this blog we will be sharing some of our top tips on getting the perfect microwaved eggs – every way.

β€œHow do you like your eggs in the morning…?”

First and foremost, you need to make sure that you are always microwaving your eggs in a microwave-safe bowl or dish. Ceramic and glass are your best choices, with only some plastics suitable for microwave use.

Once you have the right tools and implements, it’s time to choose your style of eggs. It is not only possible but super easy to achieve the perfect poached, boiled, scrambled, or fried egg in the microwave, so whatever your preference, keep reading for a breakdown guide on cooking yourself the perfect eggs in the microwave.

How to poach an egg in the microwave

The perfect poached McQueen’s Dairies egg is one which is cooked completely on the outside but when you cut it open you get that oozing, creamy yolk explode from the centre. When it comes to poaching an egg in the microwave, you will need a small dish or a mug – ideally circular with a flat bottom to achieve that perfect shape to sit atop a piece of toast.

Before breaking the egg into your bowl or mug, it’s important to grease the inside of the bowl with a cooking spray, oil, or melted butter. This will stop the egg from sticking and gives you the perfect presentation you want from your poached egg. Break the egg into the bowl and then add 1/3 of a cup of water directly on top of the egg. This is a stage that people often miss but it is crucial to giving your egg some kind of liquid to cook in and to prevent it from exploding in the microwave.

Cover the bowl with a piece of kitchen roll, then pop it in the microwave for approximately 35 seconds. The exact time will depend on your microwave and your preferred consistency – if the white is still a bit runny then pop it back in for 5 second intervals until you are happy.

TOP TIP: For a runny yolk but hard white, select a medium microwave setting which uses a lower heat but put it in for longer – up to 60 seconds. For a hard boiled finish, use the highest microwave setting available.

McQueens Dairies Eggs

How to cook boiled eggs in the microwave

Hard boiled McQueens Dairies eggs are not only a great snack, but they are also mess-free and delicious – especially when they’re cooking and finished in the microwave.

Add two cups of water and a pinch of salt to a microwave safe bowl, and heat in the microwave for 2 minutes until the water is boiling. Poke the bottom of your egg with a safety pin and then place it in the hot water, with a microwave safe plate on top of the bowl. The safety pin hole stop the egg from exploding and the plate keeps all that boiled water in the bowl.

Place the bowl with the egg and plate in the microwave and heat for 2 minutes. Then let the egg rest in the hot water outside the microwave for a further 4 minutes to finish cooking. Transfer your egg to a bowl of cold water and then either place your eggs in the fridge to enjoy later or peel them and serve straight away.

McQueens Dairies egg delivery

How to cook scrambled eggs in the microwave

Pick your microwave safe bowl or shallow dish, and line the inside with melted butter or oil. Break your McQueens Dairies eggs into the bowl and add a teaspoon of milk (or cream if you want to create a super creamy and rich consistency in your eggs).

Whip the mixture up with a fork until it’s all combined, and then place a piece of kitchen roll over the top to protect the inside of your microwave.

Microwave the eggs for about 45 seconds and then remove and give it a mix with your fork. This is where it’s best to add in any toppings, herbs, seasoning, or extra elements like cheese or bacon. Then place back in the microwave for a further 30 seconds.

From here, it’s all about preference and how you like your eggs – for a firmer finish, keep cooking in short bursts until you are happy with the consistency.

McQueens Dairies Eggs

How to Fry an Egg in the microwave

A great fried egg is all about protecting that yolk and making sure you don’t break it as you crack it into the bowl. By avoiding a stove top and frying your egg in the microwave, you can achieve a healthier finish with less fat and oil – and tons of time to eat slowly and savour your meal.

Break your McQueens Dairies egg carefully into your microwave safe bowl and add a hint of salt for flavour.

Add a piece of kitchen roll to protect the inside of your microwave, then place in the microwave and cook for 40 seconds. Check the egg and if it’s not quite done put it back in for short 5 second bursts until you are happy with the cook of the white.

Pop a spoon under the egg to push it out of the bowl when you are ready to serve All that’s left is to spread your toast with your ideal topping, layer on your eggs, and enjoy!

McQueens Dairies Egg Delivery

The Takeaway

There are many different ways to cook your McQueens Dairies free range eggs. Whether you like them fried, scrambled, boiled or poached, eggs are a great source of protein and a great breakfast choice. Free range eggs are some of the best eggs out there for microwaving. Not only are the hens kept in a better environment, but they work well when microwaving them. You can add a little vinegar into your eggs before microwaving to help keep them from splitting.

McQueens Dairies eggs

Join thousands of happy McQueens Dairies customers and enjoy fresh daily milk delivered straight to your doorstep before 7am with our local milkmen.  Add on alternative milk, yoghurt, juice or just choose a milk and eggs delivery. Place your order in our online shop.

Whole Milk | Semi Skimmed Milk | Skimmed Milk | Alternative Milk

One look at the dairy shelves of any supermarket, and you will be bombarded with multiple milk options. Whole milk, semi skimmed milk, skimmed milk, 1% fat milk, soy milk, oat milk, almond milk and lactose free milk.

Everybody knows about the benefits of milk can provide to the human body. Dairy milk or alternative milk is a staple in most households but what cow’s milk is the healthiest?

According to USDA, three cups of cow’s milk is required by a human body to meet the daily dairy requirement. However, since varieties are available even for cow’s milk, such as whole milk, skimmed milk, and semi-skimmed milk, it’s interesting to know which one is the healthiest.

Skimmed Milk

As per the latest research, skimmed milk may not be the healthiest choice. While it’s low in calories and fat compared to whole milk and contains a higher amount of calcium. Skimmed Milk is missing out on fat-soluble nutrients, such as Vitamin E and A.

Semi Skimmed Milk

Semi Skimmed Milk is also classed as a low-fat food because it contains a lesser amount of fat however the disadvantage is that it has lower vitamins like A and E. If you consume semi-skimmed or skimmed milk, ensure that you get fat-soluble vitamins from other food sources.

Whole MIlk

Whole milk, on the contrary, is very different from skimmed and semi-skimmed milk. It contains 3.25% milk fat. It is also known as regular milk primarily because fat doesn’t get removed from it through the alteration process. The main reason people avoid drinking whole milk is due to its saturated fat content. However whole milk helps in improving cholesterol levels and contains vitamin K, amino acids, magnesium, and calcium that can do wonders for good health without the need to top up throughout the day.

Choosing the best milk for you is really your choice depending on your goals but we hope that our article are helped you decide what cow’s milk is the healthiest and the best milk to order with McQueens Dairies

However If you are lactose intolerant or seeking the healthiest milk alternatives, here are also some of our alternative milk options to consider for guaranteed delivery to your doorstep before 7am.

Alternative Milk

Oat Milk Delivery: Oat milk is a great non-dairy milk alternative. It is made from natural oats that have been blended with water. It is also lactose-free which makes it the perfect milk alternative 

Soy Milk Delivery: Soy milk contains the protein found in cow’s milk, and the best thing about drinking soy milk is that it is low in fat. Nutritionists consider this milk to be the closest to cow’s milk. If you want a milk beverage that will provide protein, soy milk becomes a great option.

Almond Milk Delivery: Almond milk is a good alternative for cow’s milk and contains essential vitamins, such as B12 and D, and is fortified with calcium. However, if you have a tree nut allergy, almond milk is not advisable.

Coconut Milk Delivery: Coconut milk will be blended with water to ensure cow’s milk consistency. It’s a safe alternative for people who can’t drink almond milk. One thing to keep in mind is that coconut milk will be higher in saturated fat.

Join thousands of happy McQueens Dairies customers and enjoy fresh daily milk delivered straight to your doorstep before 7am with our local milkmen.  Add on alternative milk, yoghurt, juice or just choose a milk and eggs delivery. Place your order in our online shop.

There are many reasons why your child may require lactose-free milk such as being lactose intolerant or allergic to dairy. In these situations making sure young children are still getting the nutritional value they would typically get from dairy milk is important. The advice here changes based on the age of the child. The best lactose-free milk for babies will be very different from the best lactose-free milk for toddlers. You should always speak to your doctor to confirm a lactose intolerance or allergy to dairy before giving your toddler lactose free milk.

What are the symptoms of lactose intolerance?

The most common symptoms of being lactose intolerant include wind, bloating, stomach cramps and/or pain and feeling sick. These can become unbearable for some people so the sooner you find out if you are lactose intolerant, the better. The severity of the symptoms can vary from person to person and how much lactose you have consumed. Whilst there is no cure for lactose intolerance, knowing what you can and can’t consume will help relieve symptoms. It is important to note that being lactose intolerant is not the same as a dairy allergy. Food allergies are caused by the immune system reacting to a certain type of food you have consumed. Non lactose milk is a great option if you are lactose intolerant.

Lactose-Free Milk for Babies

It is rare for babies to have lactose intolerance or allergy. However, it is more common in premature babies. Giving lactose free milk for your newborn baby if they are lactose intolerant means you are still ensuring their dose of milk. Dairy alternatives are usually not advised for babies due to milk being the primary source of nutrition. In cases where your child has had a diagnosis of an intolerance or allergy, a specially formulated lactose-free baby formula is recommended. Special baby formula is the best lactose-free milk for babies as it will support all their nutritional needs. Milk for lactose intolerant baby means that you can still give your baby the nutrients it needs, just without the lactose.

best lactose free milk for babies

Lactose-Free Milk for Toddlers

Lactose intolerance typically develops in toddlers and young children. As milk is no longer the primary source of nutrition, plant milk as well as lactose-free dairy milk are good options. Soya, almond, rice, hemp, and oat milk are all examples of lactose-free milk which are appropriate for toddlers. The choice of alternative milk largely comes down to lifestyle and flavour. With dairy free milk for toddlers it is essential to ensure they are fortified with calcium and vitamins. These are important nutrients you would typically find in dairy milk.

Some examples such as soya and almond milk share similar calcium levels to cows milk but almond milk is lower in protein. If you are aware of your toddlers overall protein intake this won’t be an issue. Almond milk is naturally sweeter than soya so it’ll be easier to introduce into their diet. Lactose free baby milk is a great milk alternative to give to your toddler.

best lactose free milk for babies

Lactose-Free Milk for Children

With children, the majority of their nutrition will come from solid food so there is less nutritional need from milk. Just like toddlers you want to ensure your chosen alternative milk contains calcium. There’s much more flexibility when looking for lactose-free milk for children as protein is likely found elsewhere in their diet. Alternatives such as Oat milk and rice milk which have more distinctive flavours can be introduced.

Regardless of the age of your child, it is important to consult your doctor who will have a view of your child’s individual nutritional needs. They can then recommend an appropriate alternative.

Getting your Alternative Milk

Here at McQueens Dairies, we offer several of lactose-free milks suitable for toddlers and children including almond milk, coconut milk, lacto free dairy milk, oat milk and soya milk. Your lactose-free alternative milk can be delivered straight to your door along with dairy milk, eggs and juice. There is no one best lactose free milk brands for babies or toddlers, however making sure your child receives lactose free milk is important.

best lactose free milk for babies

Join thousands of happy McQueens Dairies customers and enjoy fresh daily milk delivered straight to your doorstep before 7am with our local milkmen.  Add on alternative milk, yoghurt, juice or just choose a milk and eggs delivery. Place your order in our online shop.

Being lactose intolerant or having a plant-based diet doesn’t mean you have to miss out on your favourite coffee. The big question is, what is the best milk alternative for a latte? Luckily, you can use a variety of alternative milks to whip up your lattes, cappuccinos or iced coffees. Popular choices include soya almond, and coconut milk for their flavours, but there’s one that always comes out on top – oat milk!

What is oat milk and what makes it a good milk alternative?

Oat milk is made using a base of oats and water. It is often fortified with vitamins such as B12 which is essential for a plant-based diet. Typically oat milk contains around 10% oats meaning it has a higher level of protein than nut milk adding to its creamy texture which is closer to dairy milk than most other plant-based milks. Its creaminess and subtle flavour make it a great option for mixing up your favourite drink without compromising the flavour. Some brands of oat milk also contain an acidity regulator which helps the oat milk perform like milk against the acidity of coffee.

Best milk alternative for a latte

How to make your new favourite latte

Oat Milk is undoubtedly the best milk alternative for a latte as the flavour doesn’t overshadow the coffee. To make the perfect oat milk latte, first, brew your coffee in your preferred way. While your coffee is brewing, gently heat up your oat milk, whisking as it heats. This will thicken the oat milk giving it the perfect frothy top. Be careful not to whisk too much or you’ll end up with more of a cappuccino foam. Once it’s at the right consistency, pour over your coffee and enjoy your favourite drink from home. The best oat milk for frothing is one that has a high oat content, cheaper oat milks aren’t thick enough to froth up.

At McQueens Dairies we have 2 types of oat milks available that make the perfect match for coffee. This includes Oato milk in glass bottles. We’ll deliver oat milk straight to your door meaning you’ll never find yourself without it when you reach for your morning coffee. If you’d prefer other milk alternatives for your caffeine fix we also offer soya, almond, and coconut milk for delivery.

Oat Milk Delivery

Oato is a creamy β€˜non-dairy plant-based milk alternative that is nut, sugar, and soy-free. It is made with the freshest British ingredients. It contains no animal products so it is safe to consume if you follow a vegan or plant-based diet. It’s also lactose-free which means for people with who are lactose intolerant, it is safe to consume. Any milk alternative that is lactose-free is good for you as it typically has a similar nutritional value as cow’s milk.

Having your Oato oat milk delivered in glass bottles means you are helping to bring back a tradition of the milkman delivery. Each bottle is used on average 25 times and then is recycled into new glass. We are dedicated to helping customers make small changes that have an impact on our environment through our glass reusable milk bottles. Oato is one of the best oat milks in terms of sustainably and low impact on the environment. It is thought that is it also one of the best oat milks on the market for frothing.

best milk alternative for latte

Join thousands of happy McQueens Dairies customers and enjoy fresh daily milk delivered straight to your doorstep before 7am with our local milkmen.  Add on alternative milk, yoghurt, juice or just choose a milk and eggs delivery. Place your order in our online shop.

Researchers at the Department of Animal Health, University of Cordoba, Spain, have speculated that cow’s milk consumption – specifically from cows with resistance to coronavirus may potentially provide some level of protection from severe acute respiratory syndrome that comes with Covid-19.

Milk delivery

The global coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic continues to evolve on a worldwide scale. As new variants begin to show resistance to currently circulating vaccines, it is necessary to find alternative therapies. This is in order to eradicate the virus or to mitigate the severity of the disease. The researchers have come up with an alternative: the consumption of milk.

Cow’s Milk is a unique nutrient-rich food source produced by cows and milk can also be made by other mammals. It has historically been farmed from many domesticated animal species for human consumption. It is known for providing nutrients, protein, and calcium to the consumer. Additionally, milk consumption also helps to boost the immune system.

Milkman delivery

Antibodies in milk survive and remain active after gastric exposure and digestion in stomachs. The research suggests that ingested antibodies, which may only individually provide a short-lived immunity before they are flushed out of the body. This may persist long enough to partially or totally inactivate SARS-CoV-2, which would allow the human body to mount its own immune response far more easily.

The research that milk has some passive immunity to the Coronavirus is still in the early stages and the full extent to how much immunity it gives is not fully known as we are still in the early stages of learning about this disease. Furthermore, the encompassment of milk, egg yolks and other animal products, which can also confer passive immunity, should be investigated to control the spread of COVID-19.

Additional benefits of drinking milk

Drinking milk does not only help to fight against Covid-19, but it has a whole host of additional benefits ranging from health to sleep and teeth benefits.

Build strong bones

As children grow, it’s important to support their developing bones with a good source of calcium. Calcium forms the building blocks of strong bones, and fresh milk is a great way to add this into a child’s diet. The benefits of milk don’t end in childhood either. Adults can reduce the risk of developing osteoporosis, or brittle bone disease, later in life by drinking fresh milk. How well it is absorbed into the body depends on the levels of Vitamin D present . All the more reason to enjoy the sunshine with a nice cold glass of fresh milk! Just one glass can contain up to 28% of an adult’s recommended daily allowance of calcium.

Healthy teeth

Because it is so high in calcium, drinking milk is also a great way to keep your teeth healthy too. 99% of the body’s calcium is stored in bones and teeth. Therefore, if you want to maintain a healthy smile, drinking fresh milk is a much better choice than fizzy drinks.

Cow's milk

Prevent childhood obesity

With the rise in childhood obesity in recent years, drinking fresh milk instead of artificially sweetened drinks is a great way to reduce the amount of sugar in a child’s diet. Many children now have to have teeth extracted before they even reach puberty as a result of decay. This generally caused by too much sugar and poor hygiene. As sugar is highly addictive, the fewer sugary drinks you give your child, the better. Fresh milk is a great, tasty and healthy alternative to fizzy drinks.

A great way to add fresh fruit in a child’s diet is blending up ice cold milk with a banana to make a fresh milkshake is a great treat with no added sugar. Fresh milk is a versatile ingredient, and much cheaper than overly processed and artificial alternatives.

Promote good sleep

As well as being jam packed full of useful nutrients, drinking cow’s milk can also become a part of a child’s bedtime routine. A warm glass of fresh milk can help the body begin to wind down. This is also vitally important for children’s growing bodies – and adults too! Warm fresh milk has a calming effect, and as part of a regular routine can act as a cue to the body to relax. The best part is that by having a milk delivery, you can enjoy an extra 10 minutes in bed.

Cow's milk

Join thousands of happy McQueens Dairies customers and enjoy fresh daily milk delivered straight to your doorstep before 7am with our local milkmen.  Add on alternative milk, yoghurt, juice or just choose a milk and eggs delivery. Place your order in our online shop.

Non-dairy milk has been around for some time now. However, they have become more popular in recent times due to more people opting for a plant-based life, wanting to reduce the volume of animal products they consume, or for health reasons. The demand for alternative milk products has grown in the last 10 years which has led to various different types of milk alternatives being made available.

What is non-dairy milk?

Non dairy milks are substitutes for traditional cow’s milk. Non dairy milks contain no dairy whatsoever and are usually plant based. Some are forfeited with vitamins and calcium to allow to you still consume important nutrients and minerals required by the body. Many people choose to consume non-dairy milk due to an intolerance to dairy which is more common than you may think. In the UK, between one and two in every 10 people have lactose intolerance which is why the demand for lactose alternatives have increased.

Many will opt for plant based milk options due to wanting to reduce the amount of dairy they consume. Alternative milks are popular for those who follow a vegan lifestyle as it is the most sustainable option. Others will drink non-dairy milk simply for the different taste and for a change to cow’s milk.

What types of lactose free milk alternatives are available?

McQueens Dairies are delighted to deliver a range of alternative non dairy milks. Our range includes: almond milk, coconut milk, oat milk and soya milk. As well as our range of alternative milks we offer, there are many more on offer such as quinoa, rice, cashew and pea milk.

Soya milk Delivery

One of the most popular alternative milks on the market is soya milk. This is because it has a milk flavour with a creamier texture than cow’s milk. Soya milk does not compromise on essential nutrients. It usually contains 8 grams of protein per cup with just 4 grams of fat. It is thought that this is the best milk alternative for toddlers due to the likeness to cow’s milk and milk taste. You can order soya milk to be delivered to your doorstep twice a week via our shop.

alternative milk

Almond Milk Delivery

Almond milk is another popular dairy free drink. It is made from ground almonds and water. The great news is that it is usually forfeited with calcium and you can usually consume about half of your daily intake in just 1 cup. It is a low-calorie option that has a slightly thinner texture to it than cow’s milk. If you usually drink skimmed cow’s milk, then almond milk would be the closest substitute to it. Order almond milk to be delivered twice weekly via our online shop.

alternative milk

Oat Milk Delivery

Oat milk is becoming increasingly popular within the milk alternative space. It is smooth, creamy and naturally sweet which is why it is fast becoming the option of choice for many. It tastes great in lattes and is said to be the best milk alternative for coffee. Oat milk contains slightly more calories than other milk alternative options but it is high in fibre and carbohydrates. More brands, such as Oato are aware of the impact different types of packaging has on our environment. This is why Oato bottle their oat milk in glass reusable bottles. This makes oat milk the most sustainable milk alternative on the market right now. You can order oat milk in glass bottles to be delivered to your doorstep twice weekly via our shop.

Oat milk delivery

Coconut Milk Delivery

Coconut milk is a delicious and creamy non-dairy option. It is usually quite thin in texture but is full of flavour and has a whole host of benefits. It is has been linked to helping to boost the immune system as it contains a lipid called lauric acid, which researchers believe can help to support and build up the immune system. You can order coconut milk to be delivered to your doorstep via our online shop.

Coconut milk delivery

Quinoa Milk

Quinoa is knowns for its hearty grain packed with protein, and quinoa milk is also a nutritious choice for a non-dairy alternative. It’s a complete protein which means it contains all of the 9 essential amino acids. It is a great non dairy milk alternative as it is also full of fibre and important minerals like magnesium and zinc. It’s fast becoming a well loved milk alternative for the sweet and nutty flavour it has as well as it being packed with proteins.

Dairy alternative milks

Rice Milk

Rice milk is the perfect non dairy milk alternative if you have an allergy to nuts. It is usually always fortified with high levels of calcium, vitamin A, and vitamin D. Rice milk is sweeter than any other non-dairy milks however it contains little protein and calcium. Therefore in terms of nutritional value, you may want to opt for an alternative non dairy milk.

Dairy free milk alternatives

Cashew Milk

Cashew milk is a great non dairy alternative that is low in carbs and calories. It’s creamy with a rich consistency and sweet and nutty flavour, making it the perfect addition to tea or coffee. It is also packed with nutrients such as calcium, vitamin A, D & E. Cashew milk is perfect if you suffer from lactose intolerance as it is lactose free. Since it has calcium in it, cashew milk can help to strengthen your bones, which means you are still receiving all the nutrients you would from cow’s milk.

Non dairy milks

Macadamia Milk

Another popular non dairy milk is macadamia milk. The macadamia nuts are soaked and then blended with water and salt giving it a balanced flavour. The taste isn’t too sweet or overpowering, similar to almond milk. It is a low carb vegan option, and is usually gluten-free and works perfectly in your cereal or smoothie. Macadamia milk contains some extra healthy fats with only one gram of carbohydrates per serving.

Vegan milks

Pea Milk

Pea milk is a fairly new non dairy alternative to milk but it’s so far been a hit with those who are drinking it. After soya milk, pea milk is said to be the closest tasting non-dairy milk to traditional cow’s milk, which is why people enjoy it so much. It’s made from pea protein, and it is fortified with vitamins and minerals so you still get benefits when drinking pea milk. It also contains proteins and is low in calories, making it the perfect option for a dairy free alternative.

Non dairy milk alternatives

Which non-dairy milk is right for me?

There is no one best milk alternative, however there are a few that provide additional benefits than others. There are countless options of brands, flavours and types of alternative milk to suit your taste. It’s important to remember that non-dairy milk alternatives will each have a different taste so don’t be put off if almond milk is not to your liking, try oat milk or coconut milk.

It also depends on how you like to consume the non-dairy milk. If you are looking for a dairy free milk that will froth up well, then oat milk is the best milk alternative for tea and coffee. If you are looking for a high protein milk alternative, then soya milk is the best option. Some non dairy milks are better in teas/coffees than they are in cereal for example, like oat milk. If you prefer a creamier taste then oat milk or soya milk is perfect. For a more subtle flavour then almond or coconut milk would be suitable.

Overall, it’s about finding what type of alternative milk works for you and trying different ones. The great thing about alternative milks is the variety. There is something to suit every taste and dietary requirement, it’s all about testing which is your preference.

Non dairy milks

Join thousands of customers and enjoy fresh milk, juiceeggs, yoghurts and alternative milk delivered straight to your doorstep before 7am.

Often described as the most important meal of the day, breakfast was a meal that people skipped due to having a busy life. Sometimes breakfast was a quick coffee on the way to work, or a biscuit to keep you going until lunchtime. Breakfast cereal sales skyrocketed in 2020, but what is the cause for this? Since the Coronavirus pandemic has kept us in our houses, more people are dedicating time to that all important first meal. Breakfast cereal was a popular choice for the first meal of the day.

The importance of eating breakfast

Breakfast does exactly what you think. It breaks the overnight fasting period and fuels your mind for the day ahead. It helps to replenish your supply of glucose to boost your energy levels and alertness. This is why it is so important for children to have a breakfast each morning. It helps with concentration levels and sets them up for the day ahead. In a recent study it was shown that children who had eaten breakfast before school has higher concentration levels. Those who didn’t had lower concentration levels. The same goes for adults. For adults, the days you have a healthy breakfast will help with your concentration levels at work.

Eating breakfast means you are feeding your body with essential nutrients in order for it to function. Nutrients such as iron, fibre and folate that are found in breakfast cereals, means that your body will receive bursts of energy every so often until your next meal to keep you going. Eating a healthy breakfast will also stabilise your energy levels in the long run. Breakfast helps to jumpstart your metabolism and therefore helping you to burn more calories throughout the day.

If you are a frequent skipper of breakfast, it can mean that you are more susceptible to weight gain, increased risk of heart disease, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. No breakfast means that any energy left in your body after fasting has to work harder and when there isn’t enough energy in your body. This can leave you feeling tired and sluggish.

Breakfast cereal

Why the sudden urge in breakfast cereal sales?

Before the pandemic, breakfast was a quick grab and go coffee for most people. However when the lockdown hit, more families made it a priority to eat breakfast every morning. Cereal was a quick and easy solution and the variety of choices made it even easier for the whole family to pick one that suited them. According to data from market research firm, Kantar, the biggest increase in sales for 2020 was from Kellogg’s Crunchy Nut, which was up Β£21.3 million – Β£12 million more than any other brand. Kellogg’s Coco Pops increased by Β£6.6 million. It was thought that chocolate, sweet and flavoured cereals were up by Β£67.8 million, making it the largest jump in the market.

Milk delivery sales increased during 2020

Porridge sales also seen an increase with more people opting for a hot alternative to cereal. With porridge, you of course need milk to make it. The recent surge in milk delivery sales has been due to the Coronavirus pandemic that had people fearful to leave their homes to go to the shops for essential items, such as milk and eggs. More people were on the lookout for a reliable delivery service that could deliver essentials to go with their breakfast. Because milkmen deliver much more than just milk, it meant people could have their eggs and juice delivered. This meant lots of fry ups and omelettes were also being made in lockdown.

People started to realise the importance of eating breakfast as well as supporting local businesses during such a difficult year. Milkmen have been delivering more milk than ever before and this is thanks to the increase in breakfast cereal.

Breakfast cereal

Join thousands of customers and enjoy fresh milk, juice and eggs delivered straight to your doorstep before 7am.